
Großhandelsoptionen vom Sockenpanda

Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)
Blue Sport Knee High - (Compression Socks)

Blaue Sport-Kniestrümpfe – (Kompressionsstrümpfe)




Socken üben eine abgestufte Kompression aus – sie drücken immer stärker, je weiter sie vom Herzen entfernt sind. Diese farbenfrohen Kompressionsstrümpfe können helfen, Blutansammlungen in den Beinen zu reduzieren und den Blutrückfluss zum Herzen zu beschleunigen. Die Anregung des Blutflusses hilft, die Sauerstoffversorgung Ihrer Muskeln zu verbessern, was die Muskelerholung beschleunigt und Krämpfen, Schwellungen, Besenreisern und Kreislaufproblemen vorbeugt, die bei Diabetikern häufig auftreten.

  • Material: Baumwolle, Polyester, Elasthan (Hergestellt in China)
  • S/M – Schuhgröße 7–10,5 / Wadengröße 9–15 Zoll
  • L/XL – Schuhgröße 8–12 / Wadengröße 14–19 Zoll
  • Entwickelt, um Kompression für eine verbesserte Durchblutung zu bieten
  • Diese therapeutischen Socken lindern Muskelschmerzen
  • Maschinenwäsche

Mit Ihrem Kauf spendet der Sockenpanda Socken an Bedürftige.

Danke schön!



Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Fröhliche Smiley-Socken vom Sockenpanda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda
Happy Smiley Face Socks from the Sock Panda

Fröhliche Smiley-Socken vom Sockenpanda

Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socken (links / rechts) vom Sockenpanda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda
Spy Socks (Left / Right) from the Sock Panda

Spy Socken (links / rechts) vom Sockenpanda

Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaurier- und Hai-Socken vom Sock Panda (Erwachsene L – Herrenschuhgrößen 8–12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Dinosaur and Shark Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)

Dinosaurier- und Hai-Socken vom Sock Panda (Erwachsene L – Herrenschuhgrößen 8–12)

Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Fun Puzzle Cube Socks from the Sock Panda (Adult Large - Men's Shoe Sizes 8-12)
Lustige Puzzle-Würfelsocken vom Sockenpanda (Erwachsenengröße L – Herrenschuhgrößen 8–12)

Lustige Puzzle-Würfelsocken vom Sockenpanda (Erwachsenengröße L – Herrenschuhgrößen 8–12)
