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Walk to End Alzheimer's Sock - Get a Great Sock, We Donate Money

Sock Panda is Grateful for your Support!

Proud to Be Panda (Sock Panda is Grateful for your Support)

These last few months have been a wild time full of new challenges and hardships.  While we may experience the recent events differently, we are all are making adjustments.  The phrase “we are all in this together” sums up our current circumstances nicely.  Despite our differences, we can be there for each other.

Today I want to express my gratitude.  The Sock Panda is able to endure because of our customers' support.  Whether you know us online (as many of you do) or have finally gotten to know us at the Sock Panda Sock Shop in Culver City – we feel honored to have the best customers there can be.

I especially want to thank those who come by the store to visit us.  Your gracious acceptance of our store in your community is amazing.  Thank you for letting us become a part of your community! The Sock Panda will not let you down.

As a special thank you – the Sock Panda is committed to donating another 1000 pairs of socks this month.



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