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Sock Panda available for wholesale - Check it out

Socks and Sandals

Sock Panda at the beach wearing Sandals

First things first - We did it!  We donated over 1000 pairs of socks this month. The donations were split between the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles and the 1736 Family Crisis Center .   

We are not done yet as the Sock Panda pledges to donate another 1000 pairs this month too!

**** Ok – so this is on my mind . . . .

Summer and socks are not always thought of as a great pairing; especially these days with so many people working from home.  Seems like sandals are more the norm.

BUT . . . . Socks and Sandals can be an amazing pair!!!!!!

I get it; this is normally associated with dorky dads or a last minute getaway to the store.  However, the socks and sandals look has gained a new appreciation this past year and even more so since we’ve been home. And if you can’t go outside, you won’t be wearing shoes as much, meaning quality socks are the ideal choice.

Our high quality, fun socks with your comfy sandals are just a better choice.  It almost feels like you’re wearing slippers outside it’s so comfortable! 

Show off those awesome sandals or clogs (or something in between), but be ready to up the ante by stepping up your sock game.   Sock Panda socks are sure to do that.  Unique high quality designs sure to get you noticed!

Let’s face it . . Socks with sandals are just really cool!

Jonathan and Panda at the beach

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