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Sock Panda Wholesale x Faire Market (Discounted prices during price)



Although we should always be grateful for how much the maternal figure in our lives does for us, Mother’s Day is the day to really show your appreciation. 

Especially this year – more than others – Mothers are under tremendous pressure as their daily obligations increase.  

Even in the best of times, many women bear the brunt of an unpaid workload that includes caring for children, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry and so much more. For so many working moms these obligations are like “second shifts” that never really get counted as part of the nation’s GDP — and now the coronavirus pandemic has matters.

Furthermore, on top of their regular jobs and "second shift" duties they’re also helping their kids with remote lesson plans, keeping them occupied and fed, as well as checking in on their aging parents more diligently — all while attempting to keep their game faces on at work. Add to that an array of new pressures that may be building subconsciously.

Whether it’s your mom, your grandma, an aunt or someone else, honoring that person might look a bit different in 2020 in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Luckily, there are ways to be creative and have a good Mother’s Day regardless.  Flowers may work, but a fun gift of amazing socks may be better.  A surprise package with fantastic (conversation starting) designs is sure to bring a smile.  

Even better – this is the gift that keeps on giving – with every purchase, the Sock Panda Donates Socks to those in need.  As of May 1st 2020 we donated 135,000 pairs of socks!

Best Gift Ever! Use promo code LOVEMOM25 for 25% off at checkout!


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